Saturday, 28 April 2012

Hello! I'm Sambal Cili Api bersama Terung/Ubi

This favourite sambal is very easy to make :) what u need is eggplant or terung, fried potato, blended anchovies + cili api + garlic and sweet soy sauce.

Fried all the blended ingredient until they cook and add in the eggplant and potato with soy sauce. Let it cook. Ready to eat with white rice or fried rice! :)

Saturday Craft - Self Made Sweet Dreams Board


Pictures tell the instruction :) , my DIY sweet dreams frame for my bedroom

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Friday, 20 April 2012

My Soul

This is the place where I made my plushes owlies. It also a place where I can be my true self and create so many ideas inside my heads.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Trying to be a Muslim

Have you ever wonder, we born into Islam but can we call our self as a Muslim? What is Islam? Islam is not just some religious practice carried out whenever a festive season comes about or when we go to the mosque but Islam is a way of life. Hows our life being lately? Is it according to Quran and sunnah? If not, how come we tittle ourself as a Muslim?


Lately I've been working on my own HIJABSQUARE scarf and alhamdulillah lots of my dearest customers love it :) thank you so much. I'll be preparing with lots of colors and tones for next sales. I hope everyone going to support my small business which I heart a lot :)

p/s: like me in facebook page: amalsyazana-the clothing designed

Friday, 6 April 2012

Life is too short to live in sorrow, Life is to short to live plain, Life is to short to waste time, Life is to short to play around - Lets make Ibadah and Love to the only One, Allah n Rasulallah, Lets be a good servant to God, Lets live happily, Lets appreciate our family, Lets help each other, Lets not waste our precious time :) - amalsyazana, Aril2012